A Flight Without a View

Flying is fantastic! Everything looks different from the air, and in a small plane it looks different than when you are in the window seat of an airline. You are lower and slower than the big boys which gives you more time to look around and see things. If I was...

More Landing Practice and a Milestone…

To get to the airport I drive along Euclid Ave which passes along the west end of Runways 26R and 26L. Today, as with every other time I drive by I was looking for whatever planes were taking off. I guess I’m still not tired of watching planes, any planes, fly....

Pattern Work, Landing Practice…

I’m a little behind in posting. This flight was just flying the traffic pattern and working on landings, never straying more than a mile from the airport except a couple times I had to extend my upwind or downwind legs. I needed to arrive a little before my...

One More Before the Long XC

(I am writing this over a year after the flight so it will be less specific than other posts. However I wanted to fill it in to complete posts of all my training flights.) I thought that I was going to be making my long cross country this day… After the night...